The NATURALES QUAESTIONES project is conceived and promoted by SCD STUDIO, an Italian association based in Perugia that supports the dissemination, experimentation, and promotion of contemporary art, with particular attention to fiber art. Its dedication to exchange and connections with other organizations has led to the development of projects across Italy, European-wide contests aimed at museum and institutional initiatives, and the publication of catalogs documenting exhibitions and events.
Thematic Relevance:
Artworks must reflect various interpretations of the keyword HYBRIDIZATION, as envisioned by the artist and aligned with the exhibition’s theme described in the introduction to this Call for Submissions.
Hybridization, as a creative principle, is a process of fusion and convergence between distinct elements,which, through their interaction, generate new perspectives, spark novel reflections, and open unexplored horizons. It is not merely a combination of forms but a profound transformation that, by transcending disciplinary and conceptual boundaries, creates room for the emergence of new visions capable of addressing the urgent challenges of our time. This phenomenon, rooted in cross-pollination and interdisciplinarity, offers a powerful tool to explore and reinterpret the complex dynamics of our world, prompting us to question our collective future and the responsibilities it entails.
Hybridization, in this context, is not just a combination of techniques and materials but a practice that invites
us to question our certainties, reconsider our actions, and acquire a renewed awareness of our personal
responsibility toward the world. The artworks on display not only challenge the public on global issues but also
offer more intimate and personal reflections, encouraging awareness that transcends the collective level.
They stimulate contemplation of individual commitment, inviting each visitor to consider unexplored paths
and actions within their reach to contribute to a different future, even in everyday life.
The responsibility emerging from the artworks is not an abstract concept but a tangible challenge that each of
us is called to take on. Reflecting on hybridization pushes us to reconsider our habits, beliefs, and ways of
interacting with the environment around us. Art thus becomes a catalyst for action, a lens through which to
view the present and imagine alternatives, suggesting, through aesthetics and critical thinking, that every
change begins with ourselves and the choices we make daily.
In this way, the project not only promotes reflection on major global issues but also calls for tangible,
immediate engagement from each individual. It ensures that art does not remain a mere theoretical exercise
but becomes the starting point for real and concrete transformation, capable of triggering positive and
innovative changes at both individual and collective levels.
Format, Dimensions, and Characteristics:
The call is open exclusively to artists who are at least 18 years old and reside or are active in European Union member states. Participation is allowed either individually or as part of an artist collective. Artists who participated in the previous edition of NATURALES QUAESTIONES are not eligible to apply.
CasermArcheologica Sa
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