First biennial dedicated to contemporary sculpture on the African continent, the Biennale
International Sculpture of Ouagadougou (BISO) is a flagship artistic event of
Africa and its diaspora, dedicated to sculpture in all its forms. After the success of the three
first editions, in 2019 under the theme Dare to invent the future, in 2021 with Adventure
ambiguous and 2023 with The Fire of Origins, the objective of the BISO 2025 Biennale is to strengthen the
support and visibility of sculptor artists and consolidate their place on the art market
The two highlights of the BISO 2025 Biennale will be:
– Artist residencies from October 17, 2025: lasting from 15 days to 1 month,
granted by decision of the Selection Committee. These residencies will be held in the places
BISO partners in Ouagadougou.
– The BISO exhibition from November 20, 2025: organized in the amphitheater of
FESPACO, open to the public for a period of one month.
Theme 2025: “Unsustainable border”
The call for applications is aimed at artists with a practice of sculpture, installation,
performance, beginner or experienced, of all origins.
• A complete application file must be sent, including the completed application form, the Curriculum Vitae summarizing the candidate's artistic career, a short text presenting the artistic practice as well as the captioned visuals of the works (5 visuals maximum).
• The complete application file must be sent before November 30, 2024 by e-mail
• Any application received after this deadline will be refused.
• The candidate must be the author of the original works presented, the result of personal work.
Any copying or counterfeiting is strictly prohibited.
Artistic residencies
• The artistic residencies will take place in Ouagadougou for a period of 15 days to 1 month before the opening of the Biennale.
• Artists participating in residencies undertake to provide a project and a schedule of
realization of their creation.
• A production budget of 500 euros will be allocated to each artist by BISO.
• Accommodation will be covered by the Biennale.
• Return plane tickets for the selected artists will be covered by the Biennale.
Burkina Faso
Developped by e-Ness, website creation and web agency