Du 07/12/2023 au 31/01/2024
Marie Bathellier — Béatrice Bizot — Magali Cazo — Stéphane Dauthuille — Sandrine Cnudde — Fabrice Domenet — Jérôme Festy — Guacolda — Étienne Gros — Delphine Grenier — Bérengère Humarau — Thomas Jorion — Olivia Lavergne — Mathilde Le Cabellec — Sarah Navasse — Bénédicte Plumey — Caroline Polikar —Sadko—Mike Schuijt
Collective exhibition with artists from the Insula gallery.
Long live Winter Time!
It is always this same apprehension when it is announced and the hour of sleep that it allows us to gain does not succeed in making us truly savor its advent. It’s Winter Time! It feels like the beginning of a lethargic and somewhat sad period. Still so much time to wait before returning to the light, the warmth, the spring air... Fortunately, we still have art to tear us away from the inevitability of its gloom! And here, we want to say, Winter Time, finally! Because it is also the season where the most beautiful ideas germinate, where life slows down, where we take the time to dream, to feel, to contemplate. This is the time to which Galerie Insula invites you.
Through a selection of medium and small formats among the freshest from the workshops of many of the gallery's artists, we invite you to discover works capable of getting through winter and making people appreciate the softness and slowness of its tempo.
Wednesday to Saturday 14 p.m. to 19:30 p.m.
24 rue des Grands Augustins, 75006 Paris
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