From 20/01/2024 to 09/03/2024
Fio… O meu umbilical cordão tecido vezes sem conta
O fio forjou a minha identidade artistica. It is a guide, a connection and continuity. Tal um cordão umbilical, o fio tece o caminho entre o “aqui” eo “there”, entre o agora eo ontem, entre mime e “elas”. A tribute to domestic work, this medium is practiced by many of my family, imposed on me as a means of expression to question the themes of identity, memory and desenraizament. It is simultaneously transmitted and transgressed. A use of my name transcends the traditional limits of art, allows me to disengage from a hybrid, tingida de ambiguity, which attempts to probe the complexity of human experience assim as the fragilidades of our society.
A strong materiality of textile, or its aesthetic and sensorial potential, dão origem has obras physically envolventes that trazem na sua própria strutura a marca do corpo. Corpo e paisagem são assim as bases duma linguagem alegórica onde se cruzam as nosções de privado et de coletivo.
A delicadeza of desenho, a resilience of paper, as our transparency, as our hopes, as our flexibilidade and as our tensions cryam in a world of intimidation, as of force and fragility.
“Desenho, apago, pinto, escondo, costuro, corto, “re-costuro”…”. Tal como num palimpsesto, sobram os Fragments of stories, images of territories invisible to emotions.
Tuesday to Saturday 15AM - 00PM
Rua Miguel Bombarda 141. Porto.
Developped by e-Ness, website creation and web agency