Du 18/11/2023 au 21/01/2024
Echoes of the complex entanglements of nature, the contagious energy of the carnival, the colorful worlds of the markets, the ornaments in the work of Stéphanie Laleuw multiply, proliferate, intermingle, escape from the canvas, to finally occupy the entire space.
Borrowed from the vocabulary of adornment and plants, they connect two worlds summoned simultaneously: that of an art history attached to the formal concern of saturation of the surface but also to popular art. To this dialogue, the artist adds vernacular and family elements such as his grandmother's curtains or his father-in-law's overalls, making his formalism less neutral. Here, the ornament is no longer reduced to its additive character, it is (to) the work.
The integration of elements considered minor in opposition to a more conceptual contemporary art, makes ornamental a very current issue highlighting less visible identities. By overplaying the codes historically linked to the feminine gender: patterns, fabrics, embroidery, the artist questions the visibility of women and more broadly of social and cultural minorities.
The facings made by her great-grandmother, made with four hands with her grandmother then with seamstresses and knitters (those from the Gang de la Manufacture) as part of collaborative projects, fill the works presented in the exhibition.
From the domestic sphere to the public space, the artist in turn tells a new story and builds a bridge between art and life. In an exuberant play of patterns, colors and materials, Stéphanie Laleuw invites us to the heart of life.
Free visit from Tuesday to Sunday
14pm to 18pm
Gallery opening :
Vendredi 17 November at 18h30
the Manufacture
Memory Museum
and textile creation
29 avenue Julien Lagache
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