From 16/12/2023 to 16/01/2024
Aris de Bakker
Artists Karola Pezarro and Aris de Bakker work as a duo under the name AKUNZO. Since 2014, they have been realizing ephemeral, site-specific projects in the Netherlands, but especially abroad, that show a strong commitment to a place and its surroundings. Now they present their work at Pulchri through videos, a construction in a lacework of branches, and a special collaborative project with bees.
This summer, the duo conducted experiments with a group of bees based on the principle of the « cadavre exquis ». One person started a wax sculpture, the other built on it, and finally the third party, the bees, finished the work. The process of making these sculptures took place without words, without knowing what the other person was going to do. In Pulchri’s Garden Gallery the small wax works are exhibited together with film footage of the bees.
Tuesday – Sunday 12-5 p.m.
Lange Voorhout 15, The Hague
Developped by e-Ness, website creation and web agency