Dimensions: 90x150cm
“Hors Cadre” is a work that makes the sense of transition tangible. It is in itself the quiet opening to the season of renewal. Leaving a sterile land to enter a generous land, crossing a border to be part of emergence. From the fence that unravels into a series of brightly colored threads, “Hors Cadre” leaves the constraints of painting to transform itself into sculpture, moves away from figuration to venture into abstraction, renounces the “frame ” to dissolve into a limitless field. Through this transgression, the work reminds us of the landscape shaped by lyrical abstraction and the art of the colored field, bringing us contemplatively to other lands.
Lorena Duran
Curator of exhibitions,
Founder of ARTVERBIUM® and Emerge | Converge™
Translated from English
Developped by e-Ness, website creation and web agency