Dimensions: 170x40x30cm
The participatory work The mothers was born from the desire to bring together common memories about the maternal figure, emblematic of filiations, essential in every family and for every individual. It questions in us the principle of ancestry but also our own identity.
Launched in 2016 and still active, the project offers anyone who wants to provide the artist with a digital/digitized photograph of their mother at any age of her life, alone or with them, the photo having to be "charged with 'affectivity'.
The artistic piece is presented in a statuary form given volume by a mannequin bust, covered with a pale green fabric with plant motifs and decorated with a large bright red ribbon, a spontaneous evocation of nature and blood, the beginnings of life, and in the lower part of a long old soft pink sheath, with its attachment ribbons, summoning the feminine and placing it in the ventral part.
It is in this lower part that the first maternal images given in 2016 are fixed, printed by the artist in very small formats.
The sheath, a rigid accessory which formerly served to contain the maternal womb damaged by pregnancy, becomes, conversely, through joint artistic and memorial work, the space for the expression and strength of emotions by taking charge of a thin film of images witnessing essential filial stories, easy or complex.
Around the work in volume, on walls or on floors, this time in large formats, the photographs of all the donors are deployed, thus, the work acquires a striking visibility and can grow by welcoming, over time. time, all other testimonies.
Already participating in this project: Patrick Ageneau / Isabelle Aguettaz / Anne-Catherine Barthelon / Marie-Paule Bargès / Thierry Baumgarten / Danielle Beaugiraud / Karine Bonneval / Catherine Bouchet / Coline Bourgeat / Yonny Cardenas / Laurie Cazot / Magali Cazot / Véronique Cazot / Lydia Coessens / Laëtitia Converset / Guy Cornillon / Béatrice Darnal / Anne Delourme / Marie Denis / Gisèle Didi / Laurence Drapeau / Florence Dussuyer / Cornélia Eichhorn / Pierre Evrot / Anouchka Frank / Jacqueline Fischer / Coralie Fournier /Michèle Gignoux / Sylvie Goryl / Brigitte Guilhot / Willy Haas / Virginie Horudko-Villon / David Gabriel Kavafy / Marine Lanier / Michel Lascault / Christine-Juliette Le Moigne / Delphine Maïna / Cécile Marmey / Sandra Martagex /Chrystel Martinez / Jean-Claude Martinon / Catherine Mary / Karine Maussière / Lucile Ortega / Maëva Parriaux / Delphine Patruno / Julie Perin / Amandine Pillon / Monique Plantier / Danielle Renard / Caroline Riegert / Sophie Robert Rollet / Serge Romain / Bertrand Sallé / Laurent Santi / Mickaël Serfaty / Héloïse Solt/ Magali Stora / Marie-Laurence Tessier / Thierry Trial / Dominique Vargha / Caroline Verdié / Jean Waku / Tristan Zilberman.
Developped by e-Ness, website creation and web agency