Series started in 2018 and continued in 2022, it currently consists of 21 portraits.
“Portraits have always been part of Corinne De Battista's creative act, through painting at first, then drawing afterwards, even installation today. First of all in the foot, it becomes piecemeal over time, eye, mouth, half of the face... here again, these details offer us a mental reconnection, a continuation of the line, a reconstruction of this story, to our own imagination...
In “Observe, see and remember”, the drawn face fragments are highlighted by oval gilded frames, constituent elements of the painted portrait genre.
She also plays with the frame and the outside frame, indeed, Corinne De Battista likes to overflow, to get out of the frame in the literal and figurative sense. The drawing comes out of the frame to extend into space, on the wall...but the frame is transformed, amplified, adorned with velvet, to better reveal itself and play at hiding/showing..."
Excerpt from text by Christel Pelissier for the exhibition catalog "Entre là", Pavillon de Vendôme Museum, Aix-en-Provence, 2023.
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