Dimensions: 150x220x140cm
Monumental sculpture suspended in metal wire presented as part of an individual exhibition The shadows crazy, at Création57, in Resonance of the Biennale de Lyon 2019 (theme: Where the waters mingle).
In a small room, a sculpture endlessly searches for its center of gravity fifty centimeters above the ground, a sculpture like a wave that thins out and disperses on cubic walls.
It's about creating shadow games and linking our hands and eyes.
These shadows lie on the wall in long meanders that roll up on themselves, the gaze bounces in space, the planes break down and are reborn: they are skin, weft and thread. "We don't know how to stop them" ².
The walls give way and tilt.
Hervé Bacquet
². Jean Teule, Join the dance, Julliard, p.73.
Developped by e-Ness, website creation and web agency